Here are some pictures of me and some of my friends, family and pets so i hope you like them.


This is my aunty, cousins and my cousins husband at their wedding.

This is my cat Puss.

This is me and Taylah at Puss's 3rd birthday party just wait until October you will probably be seeing pics of my dog's birthday by then.

This is Puss's birthday cake.


Me and Taylor at the beach.


Taylor,Smudge and Myself on a walk. 


My cousin Kobe ,me and in the background is my other cousin Zaine smiling away there!


Photo day for my dance class.


Here Taylah and I have just finished arranging all the food for Puss's party.


My pet rabbit from last year.


Here he is again on his first Easter.


Smudge after getting taught to roll over and shake hands.


Taylor and Smudge.


Me and Taylah after making dog bowls with treats placed inside and a card.


This is where i train Smudge to do all of his tricks.

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